As we enter into the 25th year of practice, we are pleased to announce our nation wide network of associates / partners who can deliver quality profesional services across the country. Vinay and Keshava LLP is now part of BATGACH a nation wide network of top class CA firms known for delivery of timely services with standard quality with utmost ethics. This is an esteemed nation-wide organisation which consists of multi-disciplinary professionals rendering professional services with many years of corporate and financial consultancy experience; strong analytical support and technological dexterity. BATGACH is one of the first networks approved by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with a wide network of Chartered Accountant firms.
By virtue of this association, we take pride in proclaiming that we have a network of partners /associates across the country, which will help us to take up professional assignments in any part of the nation. You can also refer us to any of your groups or firms which require our professional services in any part of the country. We ensure to provide you a best and a quality Service. We are now a “one-stop-shop” for all your accounting and commercial consultations for all your operations across India. We hope you will make best use of this development and engange us for all the assignments for your group organization.
To know more about BATGACH, click here